Fossil Fuels Are Unpatriotic

Don’t fall for flag-wrapped marketing from people who aren’t on our side

George Dillard
5 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo by Jeremiah Valerio on Unsplash

What would you call an entity that has a long track record of lying to the American public? One that undermines the security of our country? One that makes us more dependent on nations that mean us harm? One whose activities result in death and destruction? One who makes our future more limited, poorer, more dangerous, and more precarious?

I think you’d call it an enemy, wouldn’t you?

One of the wildest tricks that the fossil fuel industry has played on us is that it has made itself seem patriotic when it’s anything but.

You know the image that the fossil fuel industry likes to broadcast (and I’m speaking broadly here, including not only the oil and gas companies that extract the fossil fuels but the companies that exist pretty much solely to distribute and use them in great quantities, along with the financial entities that make such projects possible). They portray themselves as a bunch of regular Joes in pickup trucks, working an honest job for honest pay, keeping America running. They’re “real Americans,” unlike those coastal elites with solar panels on their houses.

The fossil fuel industry employs a lot of our fellow Americans, who I’m sure are fine people. But it…

